Happy New Year from Trendoli to Your Family


Durian Soft Dried Young Coconut


Young coconut and durian jam is a specialty dish that combines the characteristic flavors of young coconut and durian, creating a unique blend of sweetness, deliciousness and richness. Young coconut and durian jam is usually made from fresh young coconut, cut into small pieces, then combined with pureed durian meat and some other ingredients such as sugar and vanilla powder to create sweetness and attractive aroma.

The process of making durian young coconut jam includes steps such as preparing young coconut, cooking it with sugar to create stickiness and then mixing it with durian. When finished, the jam has a light yellow color, the characteristic aroma of durian mixed with the fresh aroma of young coconut, bringing a delicious and pleasant feeling.

Young coconut and durian jam is often used as a snack, a gift during Tet holidays, or as a snack at family and friends parties. The combination of young coconut and durian not only creates a special flavor but also provides many nutrients from natural ingredients such as vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Instructions for use: Open the lid and use immediately.

Expiry date: Use directly and cover tightly after use.

Storage: Keep cool